Thursday, February 28, 2008

Well I may have a writing job

I had the chance to submit an article today for consideration. I am trying to be a contributing writer for this one particular company. Maybe things are looking up. Still no word on my tax money. So far I haven't rocked the boat. I am scared to brag on how well things are going. I am scared.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Thanks guys

Well, I am all over the internet trying to make a buck or two. I stay busy all the time. Check out my site:! I am also starting to do some free lance writing. I am really hoping that something comes through for me. I am so glad you guys have followed me over the months as my life evolves.

Friday, February 22, 2008


Well, my friend came through with $40 today. It was enough to at least move my vehicle. I will be so glad when the first of the month rolls around. It seems like everyday life gets harder, the bills get bigger and the kids get worse!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Oh my goodness....this has been the two weeks from HELL. I struggled to get to payday Friday. I worked my behind off. My check was short by 2 days. That is like $140. Not only could I not pay one bill in it's entirety and it is Rent a Center so you know they will be knocking on my door Saturday but I couldn't put any and I mean any gas in my SUV. I haven't been able to work this week! I filed my taxes thinking I would get a refund and the IRS has held it for back taxes. My employer will not cut me a check...I have to wait until next Friday! Sucks!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Not as emotional as yesterday

I had a horrible day yesterday. It seemed like I cried all day. I was just so sick of people. I could go on and on about things that people have said and done but I won't. Everyday I become more and more anti-social. I just retreat into my own cyber world where everything is generic.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Today is peaceful

My job hasn't been too hard, my husband and I for now are getting along....knock on wood.....daughter and I aren't fighting. You know, I am really scared to speak of it so soon. I guess I am superstitious to a point.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

-T-od-a-y- --is -a-l-ri-ght

-Yea, --I -a-m --t-ea-ch-in-g- --toda-y at- -a -c-=sc-h--o-o-l -wh-ere- -wh-en- -i- t-y-pe t-he -t-ext- --l-o-o-ks --li-ke -th-is-. -N-eed -I- sa-y m--ore-?

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Crazy life

Life for me has been crazy. My second to the oldest son is at boy's school. We went to see him and he is all banged up. He has lost a front tooth from being choked unconscious by another inmate. He is thin as a rail from others taking his food. I am broke as a joke and my daughter is still driving me crazy! Other than that, life is grande!