Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Still rolling.....

Oh my goodness...it has been so crazy. Let me bring you up to speed. My kids broke yet another keyboard on my computer. I have been using the on-screen keyboard. If you know anything about those then you know that it takes a long time to type! I just simply didn't have the patience for it. Also, I have been extra anti-social lately. I have had the worst flashbacks of every last back stab and betrayal I have ever had. I walk around shaking it off like I am crazier than usual. Sometimes, I worry about me! I have decided to try to get social security benefits. I have tried to work but have actually turned down 4 jobs because of fear of being around people. My meds still aren't right. To update everyone, my son gets out of boy's school/ prison on the 14th of July. My daughter who is still 13 is completely and totally out of control. I had to put her on probation. She was smoking marijuana among other things. She's been hospitalized once. I just keep rolling with the punches.

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