Sunday, June 29, 2008

Vacation from kids

My father in law picked up the kids and took them to Tennessee. It has been very relaxing. It has been like a second honeymoon for us. I guess my little ones are having a hard time being without me. I usually don't let them out of my sight. I am very protective. That's why the other day when my grandmother-in-law insulted my parenting skills I was so offended. My son hit my other son with a rock and his head was bleeding. I stopped the bleeding and put him on the couch where I could keep an eye on him. My husband freaked out and insisted on taking him to the er. He called his grandmother and I heard her over the phone asking him what kind of mother didn't take her kid to the hospital???? I said loudly enough for her to hear that I was the kind of mother who didn't take her kid to the hospital everytime they hurt themselves.

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