Saturday, July 19, 2008

Spoke too soon

Everything has been topsy-turvy today. My son and daughter were acting out. They are both jealous of my two younger kids. They aren't wanting to do chores or babysit. My husband and I have to take the two little ones everywhere for fear that the older ones will hurt them. My daughter has cried all day today. It has been stressful. I sent out 10 invitations for my Stanley Home party which was today and no one showed up. I can't stand people....I swear. I am so ready to be a hermit and a total recluse.


Anonymous said...

that sucks that no one came to your party...that happened to me one time at a birthday party i threw for my 10th birthday. one person especially sucks if you bought a whole bunch of food...

cricketgo-Mary said...

I'm sort of a recluse, I live out in the sticks and I love it!